Bethel United Methodist Church

Bethel United Methodist Church has a position opening for a financial secretary/administrative assistant. The successful candidate needs to be proficient in Microsoft Office programs and have experience with accounting software. Please send résumé and any inquiries to
Schedule of Services
Our Sunday morning worship services are geared to worshippers of all ages. Coming together as a community strengthens and guides us in our daily life as we offer God our praise and worship. For those who wish to join us, our congregation is always affirming to new people.

Sunday School: 9:00 AM
Worship: 10:00 AM
ONE worship service

You’re Welcome Here
Since 1828, Bethel United Methodist Church has been an active congregation seeking to make a difference for Christ and others from our corner of the world. Our worship is uplifting, our discipleship is deep, our mission is clear, and our joy is full. Please come and be a part of this thriving and hope-filled congregation. Please call the church office if we can be of any assistance to you in your search for a loving, church family.
Our Mission
The mission of Bethel is consistent with the mission of The United Methodist Church which is to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
(Lunch period 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM)
Call ahead during office hours for curbside service.
If no answer to the bell:
Church Phone 843-549-7691
Or secretary’s cell 843-908-1931